We Have Added the Profile Section

We Have Added the Profile Section

Our new Profile section will store all the important information about your account! There you can customize key parameters, enter certain information and lots more. 

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What you can do in the new section

  • Enter personal data: Surname, Name, phone number, date of birth and citizenship.
  • Save your bank card data. 
  • View cost centers (if you are a corporate client).
  • View and switch between different contracts without exiting the account. 
  • Sign up for email distribution lists. You can also unsubscribe from them (but then you will be unable to read interesting mails). 
  • Change your password.

How to find the profile

It’s dead easy — a link to the profile is found in the upper menu that appears on every page.

Thanks to this update you can customize your profile in a convenient manner. If you have any questions or encounter any problems with any of these points, please contact your account manager who will help you to work it out.

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