Switch from Supercharged to Recharge Mode: Unlock RateHawk’s Advent Calendar Gifts

Switch from Supercharged to Recharge Mode: Unlock RateHawk’s Advent Calendar Gifts

In 2024, RateHawk was supercharging you with unrivaled tools as it’s our mission to make your travel business as effective as possible. Now, let’s shift gears completely — we want to recharge your batteries after hitting targets and staying super productive all year! How? With our refreshing Advent calendar gifts!

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Recharge with the RateHawk Advent calendar

We know that everyone has their own way of relaxing. Some of you will indulge in the comforting classics you rewatch every year, while others will plan a holiday getaway or enjoy family time and winter activities. Whether you’re looking for relaxation, inspiration, or refreshment, you can recharge your way with our Advent calendar! Can’t wait? Start now!

Get your first gift now!

What gifts to expect

RateHawk Advent calendar is your chance to receive special discounts and promo codes that can be used on our platform, as well as a variety of other recharging presents to help you refresh and prepare for the upcoming winter holidays!

How to use the Advent calendar?

  • Simply toggle the switch on our landing page, and you’ll get uplifting presents daily for the next 2 weeks.
  • Unlock 10 refreshing gifts in 14 days from December 10 to December 24, 2024 — recharge your battery and prepare to soar even higher in the new season! 

Supercharge your success for the year ahead

We hope the year ahead exceeds your personal and professional expectations and that every dream you cherish becomes reality. Take time to restore your energy, and we will help you supercharge your success in the upcoming year. Don’t miss out on our refreshing Advent calendar — go to the landing page and grab your well-deserved presents!

Happy winter holidays and happy recharging!

Unlock the calendar now!

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