How to Download an Excel Report

How to Download an Excel Report

During any working process, it’s important to have all the documents put together. So, today we explain how to download an Excel report on

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In order to create an Excel report with information on bookings, open the Orders section. Use the filters to filter the bookings with the required information:

  • Stay period;
  • Booking status (completed, cancelled, no-show);
  • Payment period (specific date or period with a start and end date);
  • Guest’s name;
  • City, hotel name etc. 

Some filters are activated by default, while you can set the others yourself —  just click on the Add information button.

In the example below, we have set the following parameters:

  • Booking status Completed;
  • Сheck-in: from April 1 to April 30;
  • Сheck-out: from April 1 to April 30;
  • Сity: Amsterdam.

After you have completed filtering the data click on the Excel reports button. You will receive an Excel report with all the required information.

This way, you need just a few steps to download an Excel report. If you have any questions from working with this functionality, please contact your account manager, who will help you to understand the process.

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