Account Managers

Account Managers

We work with a large number of partners and contractors on a daily basis. Sometimes, an issue arises – be it through our fault, the fault of a partner or simply bad luck – that our partners need to resolve urgently but don’t know whom to ask. They start to panic and even worry that we will drop them.

We don’t want our partners to find themselves in such a situation, so we assign each one an account manager. He or she is our partner’s friend and acts as a one-stop-shop that the partner can contact whenever they have a question.

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Here is an overview of the account manager’s purpose and how he or she can assist.

What the account manager does

The account manager is responsible for resolving any issues the partner may encounter when working with How to open the hotel profile? Where to set the commission level? What to do if the website doesn’t work? The account manager will help partners resolve these and many other issues. Another key function of the account manager is helping partners with queries to our support service.

Matters which may be raised with the account manager

  • Website functionality.
  • Doubts about whether the photos of a hotel room are accurate (or other questions about photos).
  • Additional advice on selecting a hotel.
  • Pricing.
  • Assistance with dealing with other company departments: legal, operations, accounts or car rental.
  • If a more flexible payment schedule needs to be set.
  • If assistance is needed with a contract or resolving legal issues (preferably those involving us 🙂 ).

If additional software functionality needs to be added to our online hotel booking platform.

Ways of contacting the account manager

  • Email;
  • Phone;
  • Skype;
  • WhatsApp.

On many occasions, our account managers are not contacted to help with such matters. Some partners are too shy to ask them, some didn’t know whom to ask, while others thought they could resolve these matters painlessly themselves. Please remember that the account manager’s overriding purpose is to make the agent’s work easier and accommodation bookings (or any other accommodation operation) instantaneous.

Here’s to more clients and more bookings!

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