RateHawk Statistics: Learn How Partners Have Used Our Platform This Year to Supercharge Your Business

RateHawk Statistics: Learn How Partners Have Used Our Platform This Year to Supercharge Your Business

In celebration of RateHawk’s eighth birthday, we want to share some insights into the fascinating ways our partners have used our platform this year. 

If you need inspiration for the best hotels to book or new ideas of destinations to send your clients, keep reading to discover the curious statistics from 2023-2024. 

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Top booked countries on RateHawk over the past year

RateHawk brings the world to you, but every year, some countries outperform others. These countries attract the most clients and help you redefine your offers. Learn the top booked countries on our platform over the past year and tailor your trips to attract even more clients!

These countries include:

  • UK
  • Italy
  • USA 

Over RateHawk’s eighth year, hotels in these countries have consistently attracted the most bookings. These trends clearly show the in-demand countries and help you predict the destinations your customers dream of. 

Stay ahead and offer one of these countries to your clients.

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The most unique destination booked on RateHawk this year 

There’s a whole world out there to explore, and our RateHawk partners know just that. While some destinations may be more popular, nothing can beat a completely unique retreat for your clients.  

Of all the far-flung destinations booked on RateHawk this year, Equatorial Guinea was the most unique.

When you book with RateHawk, you get the keys to the entire world. Check our website to discover the best hotels in even the most remote places on earth. Feel inspired by our detailed hotel descriptions and thoughtful insights that encourage your clients to look for unparalleled escapes. 

Off to Equatorial Guinea

The events RateHawk attended over the past year 

Success in our industry can be achieved through knowledge exchange, networking, and communication at travel events. At RateHawk, we organize and attend a wide range of travel events to share insights with industry experts and unite superagents at our internal events. With RateHawk, we bring the power of insider industry knowledge to you. 

This year, RateHawk attended and organized 144 events in 40+ counties.

We gave superagents numerous opportunities to access the information they need to build a successful travel business in a fast-moving and unpredictable industry. 

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The most popular hotel booked on RateHawk

Anyone who lives and breathes travel will be able to tell you about the magic of an incredible hotel stay. RateHawk is proud to offer our partners endless access to 2.5 million of the world’s greatest hotels, and this year, one particular hotel came out on top. 

London’s Royal National Hotel was our platform’s most popular and booked hotel.

Now, the next time your client is looking for a hotel in London, you’ll know the best hotel waiting to welcome and provide unforgettable travel experiences to your clients. Remember, on RateHawk, you can always find a perfect option among the 2.5 million great hotels fitting any budget and requirements. While 19 booking filters will also help you find an option that suits your client best.

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Top 3 of the most used filter when booking on the platform

Filters are important for streamlining your search processes and finding the most suitable options for your clients. The RateHawk platform allows you to filter your searches by many different parameters to ensure you find exactly what you’re looking for. 

The top 3 filters partners use to find the most suitable options for their clients are “Meals,” “Hotel name,” and “Star Rating.”

Give your clients exceptional travel experiences with unique RateHawk offerings!

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