RateHawk Loyalty Program Updated: Use Your Points to Pay 100% Of the Booking Price

RateHawk Loyalty Program Updated: Use Your Points to Pay 100% Of the Booking Price

We have updated the loyalty program to make it even greater value for you. Now you can pay 100% of the booking price using your loyalty points!

RateHawk Blog
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The other conditions of the program are unchanged: 

  • 1 point = 1 unit of local currency.
  • Points for booking: 
  • are credited within 60 days of the guest’s check-out from the hotel;
  • can be spent within 730 days (two years) from the date they are credited.
  • Up to 400 points can be used every month and can be split over different bookings. For example, if your booking costs €300 you can use 300 points to pay and use the remaining 100 points on another booking. 

Learn more about updates to our loyalty program by visiting our Help Center

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