RateHawk is a Finalist in the Travel Bulletin Star Awards: Let’s Win Together!

RateHawk is a Finalist in the Travel Bulletin Star Awards: Let’s Win Together!

We are so grateful for you, our loyal clients and now you can be our judges! All our hard work to provide you with the best accommodations and travel services is paying off, and we have been nominated for two Travel Bulletin Star Awards.

RateHawk Blog
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With nominations for Star Accommodation-Only Provider and Star Holiday Add-Ons Operator, we are delighted to even be in the running! If we win, it will give us an extra competitive edge and allow us to bring more fantastic travel services onto our platform with exclusive deals just for you.

All you need to do is:

  • Go to the voting page here.
  • Choose RateHawk from the dropdown list in Star Holiday Add-Ons Operator & Star Accommodation-Only Provider.
  • Fill in your details 
  • Click send.

Voting is open until June 30th.

Good news: when you vote, you’ll automatically be entered into the Travel Bulletin Star Awards’ Lucky Draw to win one of three amazing prizes. We appreciate your support!


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