Our Superheroes — the Support Service

Our Superheroes — the Support Service

When you reach our Support Service you automatically begin to feel inspiration — this is where the real magic is performed! These are the people who work round-the-clock, no matter what the weather or the time or the color of the day on the calendar is, to address any requests from you or your clients. Change the meal type? Find a hotel where they will be pleased to accommodate the client’s feline companion? Add a transfer for nine people and three children’s seats to the booking? They can do everything!

What the Support Service does

Just like the Pre-Check department staff that we told you about earlier, Support Service staff belong to the Operations Department and are split into various service teams, each of which contains specialists from different departments.

The responsibility of Support staff includes support for the bookings and resolving any requests connected with them.

1. Requests to change the names, dates, room types or other information.

2. Requests for additional services: transfer, meals, upgrading the room category, and so on.

3. Preventing potential problems from arising. For example, when the hotel doesn’t see meals in the request in which they were confirmed.

4. Resolving any complicated questions that occur during the stay. For example, if the guest turned up the day after they were meant to and the room has already been put up for sale.

Also, during the account managers’ non-working hours the Support team will help:

  • new partners to register in the RateHawk system;
  • current partners to delete auto-cancel from the request.

Ways to contact the Support Team

1. Write a message from requests in the online account.

2. Send an email to [email protected].

3. Call the Support Service universal number +357 251 23261.

4. Call or write to us via Telegram or WhatsApp: +357 95589052. Available round-the-clock!

Number of service staff at various times

May 2016 — 2.
May 2017 — 23.
May 2019 — 93.

Department’s hours

Round-the-clock. Support specialists work 24/7, never close on weekends or public holidays, and speak English, German, French, Polish, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Serbo-Croat, Turkish, Arabic, Chinese, Armenian, Lithuanian and Yakut.

In the event of force-majeure situations, nothing is more important than support. When contacting the RateHawk.com Support Service you can rest assured that our professionals will do everything that depends on them (and even a little more) to resolve whatever issue you have to a satisfactory outcome.

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