Multi-Editing, or How to Edit up to 500 Profiles Simultaneously in Your Online Account

Multi-Editing, or How to Edit up to 500 Profiles Simultaneously in Your Online Account

Now you can make changes not just to one saved profile at a time, but to all of them in one go. Just imagine how much time you can save!

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How it works

  • Go to the Users section.
  • Select the profiles that you need to edit. 
  • Click on Edit. After that, a window will open which will display the selected users and available actions.
  • Select the change that you want to make. 
  • Click on Save changes

When it will be useful

If you need:

  • To open or block access to your online account for more than one user at the same time.
  • To change the client groups assigned to users.
  • To change in your profile the contract to which orders will be assigned (if you have more than one legal entity in the same online account).
  • To delete more than one user (please note: you will not be able to restore their profiles).

How many profiles can be changed simultaneously

You may simultaneously make changes to up to 500 user profiles.

Who has access to the new functionality

Multi-editing provides access to a large volume of data. Therefore, this functionality will only be available to users with Master role in the online account.

If you have any questions about working with this update then please contact your account manager, who will help to resolve them.

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