Celebrate RateHawk’s Birthday With Us: Here’s What You Need to Know

Celebrate RateHawk’s Birthday With Us: Here’s What You Need to Know

Welcome to RateHawk Week! We’re celebrating our eighth birthday and want you to join in on the festivities. As this exciting event approaches, we’re here to share with you the key activities, events, and messages you can expect. 

Whether you are ready to prepare yourself for the key challenges travel agents face today, want to gain insights into how partners use the RateHawk platform, or would love to put your travel know-how to the test with our Super Hawk Destination Game, RateHawk Week has everything you need to supercharge your business. 

RateHawk Blog
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Play the Super Hawk Destination Game with Us!

The travel agents’ true superpower is reading their clients’ minds to learn the destination of their dreams. Could you guess a destination based on five questions? We know for sure that RateHawk’s superagents have an incredible knack for creating unforgettable travel experiences for their clients and sending them to their true dream destinations! 

If you know which French-speaking country can show you icebergs or which country’s national flower is the lotus, you could win a 5% discount code or Amazon voucher worth 1500 euros. Join in the Super Hawk Destination Game and try your luck! 

The winners will receive:

You’ll need to get into your clients’ minds and determine the destination of their dreams based on five questions. Test your superpowers — guess the destination correctly to win:

  • A 5% discount code — for the winners. 
  • A 3% discount code — for all Hawks just for joining in on the game.
  • Amazon vouchers worth 1500, 1000, and 500 euros — will be drawn among the winners.

This is your chance! Play the game to learn, grow, and win prizes!

Join in

Keep an eye on your email—RateHawk Week newsletter

It’s important that we keep our partners informed about any developments and information about RateHawk Week. 

Also, we will provide the most active partners with a comprehensive overview of their achievements over the past year! Get ready to find out how many days you’ve been with RateHawk, how many bookings you’ve made, or how many loyalty points you’ve gained. 

We can’t wait to celebrate our birthday with you and look forward to many more years together!

Explore the interesting ways partners use RateHawk in our blog post all about user statistics during RateHawk Week

As one of our partners, it’s good for you to know exactly how people like you use our platform. You can find out in our blog during RateHawk Week, where we will share everything you want to know!

Access to this knowledge means you can stay ahead of your competition and continue using our platform to the best of your ability.

In this article, learn about the top countries booked on RateHawk over the past year, the most unique destinations and hotel partners booked on the platform, and much more!

Boost your business with RateHawk webinars

At RateHawk, we understand the importance of industry knowledge and insights. From comprehensive training on booking air tickets to booking transfers at great prices, we help support our valued partners in their continued success. Check out our regular webinars focused on the information needed to keep your business supercharged. 

On our website, you can keep up with the latest webinars and updates to existing webinars.

Each aims to provide you with business-boosting knowledge and offers a closer, more expert look into the travel industry. 

Whether you’re new to the industry or simply looking to expand your offerings, you’ll find something useful through our webinars.

Whether you want to stay up to date on the latest travel trends and challenges travel agents face or would love to put your travel know-how to the test with our Super Hawk Destination Game, RateHawk Week has everything you need to help you reinvent your business.

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