Celebrating RateHawk’s Birthday and Running a Prize Draw

Celebrating RateHawk’s Birthday and Running a Prize Draw

Here at RateHawk we are celebrating our sixth birthday this year — and we are delighted to be marking the event in the company not only of our partners, but of our true friends. Thank you for being with us! In order to share the party mood, we are launching a prize draw: answer the quiz and try your luck to win a promo code worth 100 USD!

RateHawk Blog
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How to participate in the quiz

  • Answer six questions (you can find them below).
  • You can answer the questions from April 27 to May 3 whenever it’s convenient for you. All questions will be in English so partners from various countries can participate in the game.
  • The winner will be choisen via the random number generator on May 4 and published on our Facebook and LinkedIn pages. 

The prize is a 100 USD promo code!

Good luck!

Tags: birthday, quiz
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